Tuesday, 25 December 2012

MPPSC Taxation Assistant Result 2012 ( Karadhan Sahayak) www.mppsc.nic.in

MPPSC Taxation Assistant Result 2012 ( Karadhan Sahayak) www.mppsc.nic.in, MPPSC Taxation Assistant Result 2012 ( Karadhan Sahayak) www.mppsc.nic.in,MPPSC Taxation Assistant Result 2012 ( Karadhan Sahayak) www.mppsc.nic.in

MPPSC (Madhaya Pradesh Public Service Commission),Indore conducts written exam for 95 posts of Taxation Assistant (Karadhan Sahayak) under Commercial tax department. Exam was conducted on 04/11/12(Sunday) in two terms across different examination centers Indore, Jabalpur, Bhopal.From the written test, Commission select 273 Candidates for interview purpose.These Candidates belongs to different categories, there description are as:
Commission declares the list of candidates of  each category, which belongs to either reserve or non-reserve. In addition commission also selects 12 candidates who secure same score in written test. Further selection process follows by personal interview.
Category                   No. of selections
General                              136
SC                                         43
ST                                         62
OBC                                     32
Ex Ser.                                03
PH                                        16
Candidates who secured their name in selection list, is now waiting for call letter of their interview. Before that, candidates can check their name in the list released by the commission.Selected candidates fill their Attestation form and also attach their caste certificate and other educational certifiactes with it and submit the dully filled form to the commission before 10/01/13. Form received after thedate will be cancelled. So candidates have to download their forms from official website of commission.

Download forms from herehttp://www.mppsc.nic.in

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