Monday, 21 January 2013 DSRRAU Recruitment/job 2013 - DSRRAU Jodhpur Exam/Result 2013 DSRRAU Recruitment/job 2013 - DSRRAU Jodhpur Exam/Result 2013, Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur,Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur Recruitment/job 2013

Dr. Sarvepali Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University was established by the Government of Rajasthan vide Dr. Sarvepali Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University Act, 2002 (which received the assent of His Excellency, the Governor of Rajasthan on 25th September 2002) to develop & incorporate an affiliating Unversity for the purpose of ensuring, efficient and systematic instruction, teaching, training, research and development in Ayurved, Unani, Naturopathy, Homoeopathy, Siddha and Yoga systems of Medicine.
Ours is the second Ayurved University in India after Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. Prof. Ram Harsh Singh an eminent scholar (then Dean, Faculty of Ayurved at BHU) was appointed as the first Vice-chancellor of the Univesity.
The University was provided the land at Karwar village at Nagaur Road (National Highway 65) on 30th of November 2002 by the Govt. of Rajasthan.
The foundation stone of the University was laid down by the then Chief Minister of Rajasthan , Shri Ashok Gehlot on 10 of March 2003( Phalguna Shukla Saptami, Vikrami Samvat 2059) in the gracious presence of the then Hon'ble State Minister of Ayurved Sri Radhey Shyam Ganganagar, the then CCIM President Vaidya Sri Ram Sharma, Vice-chancellor Prof. Ram Harsh Singh, local MLAs Sri Bhanwar Lal Balai and Jugal Kabra, Secretary Ayurved Sri Ashok Shekhar and other dignitaries.
Initially the University started its functioning in modest area provided at 82, Income Tax Colony, Paota C Road, Jodhpur but the space available was not enough for proper functioning of the University. After the sanction of two constituent institutes University College of Ayurved and University Ayurved Nursing Training Centre a new campus at Jhalamand was provided by Dept. of Health and Family Welfare. In 2007, University shifted to its own campus at Karwar, Nagaur Road, Jodhpur.

Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur Recruitment/job 2013

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