Tuesday, 26 February 2013

JKBOSE Results for SSE Regular 2013 | Jammu Kashmir Board of School Education SSE Regular Results 2013 | www.jkbose.co.in

JKBOSE Results for SSE Regular 2013 | Jammu Kashmir Board of School Education SSE Regular Results 2013 | www.jkbose.co.in, Jammu Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has declared the SSE Regular Exam Results on its Official Website www.jkbose.co.in

Lots of candidates had given JKBOSE SSE Regular Exam. But now waiting period is over because JKBOSE SSE Regular Exam Results has been declared by Jammu Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE)
Affiliated candidates can get their JKBOSE SSE Regular Examination Results 2013 from given below links.
The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education came into existence in the year 1975 by an Act of the Legislature to reform, recognize and consolidate school education in the State of Jammu and Kashmir. It was envisaged that education thus provided will relate intimately to the development of the potentialities of youth to the national needs and to the aspiration of the people. Discover talent and nurture it. To promote equality of opportunities by providing necessary facilities and help generally to raise the standard of living and productivity of the State and achieve closer and willing participation of the people in democratic process.
            The JKBOSE has, indeed, fulfilled above objectives in an able manner under the stewardship of dynamic and visionary leadership of Chairpersons for the last 34 years. Technological innovations and impact of globalization has given new challenges. We will have to produce students who can compete globally, who can excel in a multinational environment and also can survive confidentially under cross culture environment. Further we have to bench mark ourselves on a global scale with best Educational Boards of the world. This is a big challenge ahead but having the trained and dedicated human resource in the Board, I have no doubt that this objective will be achieved without any difficulty.

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