Monday, 24 December 2012 West Bengal Madhyamik Pariksha Time Table 2013| WB 10th Time Table 2013

West Bengal Madhyamik Pariksha Time Table 2013| WB 10th Time Table 2013

WB 10th Time Table 2013 | West Bengal Madhyamik Pariksha Time Table 2013 | WBCHSE West Bengal Secondary Time Table 2013, West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education Time Table
WB 10th Time Table 2013, WBCHSE Madhyamik Pariksha time table 2013, West Bengal 10th time table 2013, West Bengal Madhyamik Pariksha time table 2013, West Bengal secondary Time table 2013
West Bengal board 10th/ Secondary/ Madhyamik Pariksha Exam 2013-West Bengal Board of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) has released time table of10th/ Secondary/ Madhyamik Pariksha Exam 2013. Exam Duration will be 25 February to 6 March 2013.
25 February 2013
11:45 Am To 3:00 PM
 First Languages (For Class 10 Syllabus Only)
First Languages Paper I (Combined Syllabus For Class 9 & 10)
26 February 2013
11:45 Am To 3:00 PM
 First Languages Paper II (Combined Syllabus For Class 9 and 10)
27 February 2013
 11:45 Am To 3:00 PM
 Second Languages
28 February 2013
 11:45 Am To 3:00 PM
1 March 2013
 11:45 Am To 3:00 PM
2 March 2013
 11:45 Am To 3:00 PM
 Physical Science
4 March 2013
 11:45 Am To 3:00 PM
5 March 2013
 11:45 Am To 3:00 PM
 Life Science
6 March 2013
 11:45 Am To 3:00 PM
 All ADDL/ Optional Elective Subjects
Physical Education and Work Education
Actual Dates To Be Announced Later
WB 10th Time Table 2013, WBCHSE Madhyamik Pariksha time table 2013, West Bengal 10th time table 2013, West Bengal Madhyamik Pariksha time table 2013, West Bengal secondary Time table 2013
WB 10th Time Table 2013, West Bengal secondary Time table 2013, West Bengal 10th time table 2013, WBCHSE Madhyamik Pariksha time table 2013,  WB 10th Time Table 2013, WBCHSE Madhyamik Pariksha time table 2013, West Bengal 10th time table 2013, West Bengal Madhyamik Pariksha time table 2013, West Bengal secondary Time table 2013

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